PhD, Marine Biology (Parasitology)
Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California, San Diego
Advisor: Ryan F Hechinger
BS, Biology (Molecular)
Radford University
Mathematics and Chemistry concentrations
Summa Cum Laude
Dean’s Scholar
Artis Fellow
Publications & presentations
Cressler, C.E., D.C.G. Metz, D. Chang Van Oordt, & A.L Graham. Immunological feedback loops generate parasite persistence thresholds that explain variation in infection duration. Proc. R. Soc. B. In press.
Metz, D.C.G., & R.F. Hechinger. The physical soldier caste of an invasive, human-infecting flatworm is morphologically extreme and obligately sterile. PNAS 121(31): e2400953121.
Chang Van Oordt, D., O. Oyesola, D.C.G. Metz, S. Chang, P. Loke, C.E. Cressler, A.L Graham. Initial immune state of rewilded lab mice as a driver of host susceptibility to intestinal whipworms. Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology annual meeting, Seattle, WA.
R.F. Hechinger & D.C.G. Metz. Social evolution: diverse divisions of labor in trematode parasites. Current Biology 33(23): R1238-R1240.
Metz, D.C.G., & R.F. Hechinger. Social organization in parasitic worms: novel application of matrix population models to within-host dynamics reveal how trematodes build their defensive army. Ecology and Evolution of Infectious Diseases annual meeting, State College, PA.
Metz, D.C.G, A.P. Nelson, A.V. Turner & R.F. Hechinger. Potential for emergence of foodborne trematodiases transmitted by an introduced snail (Melanoides tuberculata) in California and elsewhere in the United States. Journal of Infectious Diseases 227(2):183-192.
Hopkins, S.R., …, D.C.G. Metz, et al. Evidence gaps and diversity among potential win–win solutions for conservation and human infectious disease control. The Lancet Planetary Health 6(8): e694-e705.
Metz, D.C.G & R.F. Hechinger. Intramolluscan trematodes as closed populations: projection matrix models reveal infrapopulation dynamics and help resolve questions about trematode sociality. American Society of Parasitologists annual meeting, College Station, TX.
Metz, D.C.G, E.M. Palmer & R.F. Hechinger. Cercaria emergence rates let us calculate trematode parthenita within-host dynamics. American Society of Parasitologists annual meeting, College Station, TX.
Nelson, A.P., D.C.G Metz & R.F. Hechinger. Description, redescription, and life cycles of four philophthalmids (Trematoda: Digenea) from the California horn snail, Cerithideopsis californica (Gastropoda: Potamididae). American Society of Parasitologists annual meeting, College Station, TX.
Metz, D.C.G, & R.F. Hechinger. Lynnia grapsolytica n. gen, n. sp. (Ciliophora: Apostomatida: Colliniidae), a deadly blood parasite of crabs with a novel pseudocytopharynx. Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology 68: e12847.
Metz, D.C.G, & R.F. Hechinger. Detecting the hidden dynamics of social organization in colonies using projection matrix models. Southern California Academy of Sciences / Southern California Parasitologists, 2021 joint annual meeting, virtual.
○ Best presentation: Southern California Parasitologists
○ Best student oral presentation: Southern California Academy of Sciences
Metz, D.C.G, & R.F. Hechinger. Projection matrix models reveal intra-colony dynamics of difficult-to-observe colonial organisms. Western Society of Naturalists, 2021 annual meeting, virtual.
Hartmann, T.N.A., D.C.G. Metz, & R.F. Hechinger. Effects of trematode parasitic castrators on California horn snail hemocyte population structure. Western Society of Malacologists, 2021 annual meeting, virtual.
Grants and awards
Scripps Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award, University of California, San Diego.
Program of Excellence postdoctoral fellowship. University of Nebraska-Lincoln.
○ An independent research project, mentored by Dr. Clay Cressler
○ Project scope: develop mathematical theory exploring how parasites interact within a host
Evaluating the possible transmission in California of food-borne zoonotic trematode parasites carried by the introduced snail Melanoides tuberculata. National Institutes of Health grant 1R03AI156569-01.
○ My discovery of invasive, human-infectious, foodborne parasites in Southern California was the basis of this grant
○ Salary paid from this grant for 4 quarters
University of California, San Diego Graduate Teaching Fellowship
○ Designed and taught, as instructor of record, Statistics for Marine Biology (SIO 187) during summer quarter
Southern California Academy of Sciences Student Research Grant: “Soldiers and reproductives: the nature of trematode caste structure”
Ecology Social of America SEEDS National Research Fellowship
○ Undergraduate research project: “A new blood parasite of shore crabs reveals a novel genus of ciliates”
○ ESA mentor: Dr. Ryan Hechinger, University of California, Santa Barbara
Teaching & mentorship
My research launched the projects of 4 M.S. students, who I mentored directly in both research and scholarship. Projects:
○ I discovered an undescribed species of marine mermithid nematode; the M.S. project involved morphological and molecular characterization of this new worm. Degree completed 2020.
○ I designed the barcoding primers and molecular protocols for an M.S. project involving genetic barcoding of unidentified, preserved trematodes and cestodes. Degree completed 2020.
○ I helped plan a project exploring the hematology of California horn snails and fabricated the tools needed to non-lethally collect blood from snails. Degree expected 2023.
○ My discovery of invasive, human-infectious trematodes in southern California launched an NIH grant (1R03AI156569-01) and was the foundation for an M.S. project exploring the distribution of these zoonotic worms in common sport fishes. Degree expected 2023.
Instructor of record: Statistics for Marine Biology (SIO 187). University of California, San Diego. 2021.
○ 4 credit hours
Certification: Introduction to College Teaching. University of California, San Diego. 2021.
○ 30-hour course in modern pedagogical techniques
Teaching assistant: Parasitology (SIO 131). University of California, San Diego. 2018, 2020, 2022.
○ 6 credit hours, laboratory
Teaching assistant: Marine Biology (SIO 132). University of California, San Diego. 2019, 2020.
○ 4 credit hours
Guest Lecturer: “Preparation of hydrated samples for scanning electron microscopy” – Materials Characterization (SIOG 239). University of California, San Diego. 2017.
Teaching Assistant: Genetics, Evolution and Development (BIOL 231). Radford University. 2013, 2014.
○ 4 credit hours